How can a population evolve?: a population evolves because the frequency of the features of its individuals changes. There are four main reasons for it, there are calle also the evolutionary forces. At first, mutations. Then comes the natural selection and migration. Last but not least is the genetic drift.

Difference: Genotype versus Phenotype?: Genotype is a set of alleles inherited from mother and father. For example, AA, aA, aa. Phenotype is some observable property of the organism, controled by one or by many genes, like eye color.

Dominant versus Recessive?: if there are two differen alleles of one gene, we call the strong on dominant ant the weak one recessive.

How are alleles inherited?: one allele is inherited from mother, one from father

How is polymorphism defined?: gene with multiple allele types is called polymorphic.

What are SNPs?: snips are the MSA sites, that have more than one nucleotide state. SNP is Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

Can you describe Hardy's model?: Hardys model assumes the infinite population size and random mating. Nice thing is, that allelic frequences will remain constant in all generations.

What is the Wright-Fisher Model?: This model assumes the finite population size and random mating.

What is random genetic drift?: Genetic drift is some random event, that kills some part of population fully random. If the natural selection kills less adapted, weak, too large, too small organisms, genetic drift simply kills. It can be a problem, if it kills some species with rare mutations. Lucky survivors might not represent the original population.