Prefix Expansion


If you have expanded a prefix, but longer original prefix does exist, longer prefix will be used

Do not forget * at the end of expanded prefix

Prefix P6 1* will be expanded (k=3) in 100, 101, 110, 111. But 101 will correspond to P1 (full original match), 110 (full original match) to P2 and 111 to P7 (longer original match)

Multibit Trie: choise of k

Explain with example, why in Multibit Tries only small k (<10) will be used.

Prefix expansion consumes place for table and nodes.

For example, we take prefix 0* and k=10. It will produce 2^9 prefixes.

For k=20 and prefix 0* we will produce 2^19 prefixes

Multibit Trie: constuction


Search in Multibit Trie

Word: 110011

  1. First stride: 110. Matches with P2, update Best Match. Best Match: P2