Hi, we all have a common goal here - to pass the FDS exam perfectly and not break your brain during preparation.

Unfortunately, the class materials from Professor Ulrich are very poorly structured and difficult to understand.

Therefore, we decided to combine our efforts and create a common repository of information for FDS, in which we will describe the concepts from the lecture in simple words and explain them with examples, as well as create a summaries on theory and python to facilitate the exam.

You can toggle search through all pages pressing "Search" on the top of the page or use Ctrl+P


Glossary / theoretical questions

You could add some definitions or theoretical questions using toggle lists like that

Just use > + Space in a new cell

Alternative answers

If you see the answer and have some alternative, write it below with the tag ALT and yellow background


Prof. Cafes are the waste of time

Your alternative:

Prof. Cafes are the waste of time.

ALT: I love the Prof Cafes due to Bitcoin memes.