
We have some situation, and want to calculate the probability of some outcome / some value ,but we have no analytical model for it.

We want to have some answer to the given question, and don't want to spend 1 week/month/year on developing some analytical model.


Use "Monte Carlo" (famous casino) methods.

All that you need:


  1. Set the amount of loops, it must be big for the good simulation: 100.000, 1.000.000, 10.000.000 (amount larger $\rightarrow$ prediction better, not linearly, but logarithmically)
  2. In each iteration:
    1. generate random values for the problem
    2. use them for calculating the solution for this numbers
    3. add the result to global result set
  3. Compute the mean for the global result set after all iterations

Pros and Cons
