to convince - to make someone believe in something with logical arguments, or to get a willingly agreement of person for some action.

rival - person striving for competitive advantage. Competitors compete in a sport or event. Opponents compete directly against each other. Rivals have some sort of long-term opposition between them. Rivals are long-term indirect opponents. Mercedes and BMW are rivals.

declining (to decline) - to become less in amount. Declining revenue = less revenue than last year. But also the slope or function can be declining - slope that goes downwards.

prominent - standing out, widely known, leading. Sticking out above the rest = performing better than competitors, or having some interesting ideas in use.

emerging - coming into existence. Emerging business is a business on the earliest stages.

constellation - one of the named configurations of starts. For example, Great Bear is a constellation.

threat - something potentially harmful, than can cause damage or financial losses. The recession is a threat for many IT companies, and they have to fire many workers to stay on the market.

bargaining - bargaining is a type of negotiation, in which buyer and seller of a good or service debate the price or nature of transaction.

bargaining power - relative ability in an argumentative situation such as bargaining or contract writing to influence over each other. If both parties have an equal power in a debate, they will have equal bargaining power.

sustained - maintained for a long time, keeping the strength consistent and unbroken. Sustained company has stable market position, good financial reputation. It can exist at a certain level.

sustainable company - a company that is sustained (stable market situation) and does not damage the environment, does not fully exhaust the resources, cares about employees and customers. This is a “sustained company” not only in economical sense, but also social and environmental sense.

coherent - logically ordered and consistent. Set of arguments that are holding together is coherent. Arguments should build some type of chain to be coherent. “If you pass the exam, you become some ECTS. You failed the exam, so you become no ECTS.” This is a coherent argument.

justified - in typography, “justified” refers to how words line up with the margins of a page. Text can be right justified (sign form in contract), left justified (like mail) or fully justified (like book). In other areas “justified” means “something that has a reasonable and fair basis”. Justified salary is a fair salary for the combination of personal traits and professional skills of worker.

provision - stock of needed materials or supplies. Tesla needs some provision to build an electric autos, like batteries, processors, engines, metals etc. Provision is also the activity of supplying or providing something.

trait - in biological sense, trait is a characteristic caused by genetics. Commonly speaking, trait is a feature of personal nature. Important trait of investor - ability to manage emotions in situation of unexpected losses. Important trait of basketball player is his height.

on behalf of somebody - acting for someone. A parent can sign forms on behalf of children when they are young.

to intercede - to help people to work out their differences or achieve something. To intercede on behalf of friend to encourage your boss to hire him.

intangible - something you can’t touch physically or perceive with any sense. You can touch a book, but you can’t touch the meaning of the words.

tangible - touchable, or is able to being perceived with some sense. Birds song can be perceived with hearing, and an apple can be touched.

comprehensive - covering all possible aspects. Comprehensive spa includes massage of each body part, comprehensive examination includes questions of different types for each topic. Comprehensive description of an includes all details of this object.