Nennen die Hauptteile von Development Process von SPL
- Core Asset Development (Domain Analysis + Domain Implementation)
- Product Development (Requirements Analasis + Product Derivation)
- Management
Was ist Transition Strategy
- Firma hat eine Reihe von Produkten. Wie bekommt Firma daraus eine SPL?
Vier Transition Strategien erklaeren
- Incremental Approach: create small SPL with commonalities from existing products, then extract more features from products with this iteration.
- Tactical Approach: create SPL for subsystem, not for whole product. “Configurable Component” - like my CSVLoader.
- Pilot Project: next product will start initial minimal-SPL (mvp-SPL). Then it will we extended with each iteration.
- Big Bang: Stop new product development, focus on SPL development, new products only in this SPL
Was ist Adoption Approach?
- Wie kann man auf technsicher Ebene auf neue SPL kommen.
Drei Adoption Approaches erklaeren
- Proactive: product line development from null, starting with domain analysis. Idealized SPL Engineering Process.
- Extractive: “extract” SPL from existing products with incremental refactoring
- Reactive: Start with small SPL and incrementally extend domain scope